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Pullmytotem (Declined)

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Pullmytotem (Declined) Empty Pullmytotem (Declined)

Post  Comicbookguy727 Mon Dec 27, 2010 11:49 am

Cheshire Cat Application
Character Name: Pullmytotem
Armory Link:
Real Life Age: 17
Timezone: West Australian time (+8 pst)
Class: Shaman
Spec: Restoration/Elemental (wish to be serious restoration)
Professions: None, but considering alchemy.
Applying for? Raider

Why are you applying to Cheshire Cat? Please tell us if you know anyone in the guild and how you heard about us.

I am applying for the Cheshire Cat guild because I’m looking for an active raiding guild in which I can participate in. I also don’t like having to find pugs that have an IQ below 20... . I heard about the guild via a trade channel advertisement. After asking the advertiser questions, I wound up on your website.

CC has very strict behavior policy and while we aren't here to police your game time, we encourage people to have fun and not take things too seriously. However members are expected to adhere to the policy and uphold the good name of the guild and its reputation. Do you agree to do this if invited? Yes

Availability: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 6 pm+ (West Australian time, however may be subject to change if I obtain a new job)
Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday: all day

What steps do you take to improve your character?
Enchanting, glyphs, gemming important items with the correct stats/bonuses (no use gemming greens..) and reforging items. If the raid is more important, I may buy food and elixirs.

What is your raiding experience (if any)?

Vanilla wow: None

TBC: Karazhan, Zul’aman, Gruul’s/Magtheridons lair

WOTLK: Naxx, Sartharion, Malygos, VoA, ToC 10 man

CATA: No 10 man experience.
(This experience was obtained on my warrior Inkontroll on the server Jubei’thos. This character was transferred to this realm.)

What are your past guilds and why did you leave?
If I am accepted, my previous guild will be Deathly Rise. The reason I would leave this guild is because they are not active enough and do not have enough people to do guild runs.

Do you feel you can bring anything special or unique to Cheshire Cat?

I can bring my real life title as “Awkward silence man”. Other than that and young blood... nope not really ^.^

We require the use of certain mods and addons, and the ability to use Ventrilo for raiding. You do not have to have a mic (although its preferred), just the ability to take direction

How do you prepare for raids (10 or 25)?

Relax and have fun before the raid and go in determined to win.

What other games have/do you play?

I like to play Call of Duty: Black ops, Halo: Reach and GH: Warriors of Rock (drummer) 

How do you like your gnomes?
I don’t really care... I don’t pvp often : /

What is your opinion on Garrosh and Thrall situation?

Garrosh is a douche, he killed Cairne! Thrall is better.

Favorite all time Boss and why?

The big gorilla in ToC 10/25 man because when someone dies, they’re crying is just amusing.

Any other information you would like us to know about you?

I’m mostly mature, but unfortunately I haven’t developed a good sense of humour... I hate my life :S


Posts : 1
Join date : 2010-12-27

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