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Hålocyn Application (Declined)

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Hålocyn Application (Declined) Empty Hålocyn Application (Declined)

Post  Hålocyn Wed Dec 29, 2010 5:20 pm

Hiya, just a little pre-warning... There is a symbol in my characters name. Bad mistake a long time ago Razz. You'll have to copy and paste the å in this post if you can't do the computer code for it on WoW (which is Alt 134). Smile

Character Name: Hålocyn
Armory Link:
Real Life Age: 19 Years young
Timezone: GMT +8 so give or take 3 hours behind server time.
Class: Warlock.
Spec: Destruction, and I have a dualspec sitting there if you wish another spec from me.
Professions: Tailoring + Inscription (Inscription isn't very high).
Applying for? (member/raider): Applying to be a member for now and when i gear up (as i have just hit 85) to be a part of the raiding team.

Why are you applying to Cheshire Cat? I'm applying as i've gone all of Cataclysm without a guild, and when you hit the level cap, the real fun begins, and Cheshire Cat seems to be at the stage currently that it is developing, and I am a developing player right now, so I think I could be a good part of the team.

CC has very strict behavior policy and while we aren't here to police your game time, we encourage people to have fun and not take things too seriously. However members are expected to adhere to the policy and uphold the good name of the guild and its reputation. Do you agree to do this if invited? Of course. I'm good humored and light hearted about game matters.

Availability: Most days of the week, every sunday, most saturdays, often from 7pm server time onwards. On the weekends earlier of course.

What steps do you take to improve your character? Continuing with my tailoring as I am a clothy, and not only does this mean I can make gear for other guild clothies, but i can gradually improve myself without the need of hardcore raiding. I also intend to do a lot of heroics in order to achieve a adequate level of gear. I make sure that I am on the latest rotation and build for Cata of my class.

What is your raiding experience (if any)?
Vanilla wow: Zul'Gurub up to Hakkar.

TBC: Karazhan up to the Prince.

WOTLK: VoA (15 + 25), Ony (15 + 25), ICC Plague Wing (10 + 25), ICC Blood Wing (10 Man), ICC First Wing (10 + 25) (Heroic 10 Man).

CATA: None thus far, what i hope to achieve with joining Cheshire Cat.

What are your past guilds and why did you leave?
My past guild left this server with the approach of Cataclysm, and I chose not to leave with it, thus I took a break from WoW during that period. (Insane Prophets).

Do you feel you can bring anything special or unique to Cheshire Cat?
Extensive knowledge of my class as I have played from my Warlock from the release of Vanilla WoW and have large experience in all specs, which could make me a potential Class Officer as I was in my past guild. Oh and i'm British Smile.

We require the use of certain mods and addons, and the ability to use Ventrilo for raiding. You do not have to have a mic (although its preferred), just the ability to take direction

How do you prepare for raids (10 or 25)?
In my previous guild I would help by gathering the mats for various things such as Fish Feasts to be used throughout the raids, and making sure I have lots of pots both for myself and people in the guild who may have forgotten theirs.

What other games have/do you play?
PS3 - Mainly Fifa 11, Black Ops + UFC 2010.

How do you like your gnomes?

What is your opinion on Garosh and Thrall situation?
Garrosh is completely up himself, I much preferred Thrall, such a kind and friendly soul, shame he has to keep tabs on the Maelstrom while Captain Arsemunch Garrosh pushes Orgrimmar around, although i do like Orgrimmars facelift.

Favorite all time Boss and why?
ICC Heroic Gunship (LOOTSHIP!!!) Because it's ridiculously hard to fail! Although this is weirdly in contest with Saurfang as he is super fun and a challenge.

Any other information you would like us to know about you?
I'm doing my A Levels at the moment, so I may have to take some time off of WoW at points to do work related / college related activities, oh and I box regularly, but mainly on the weekends so that can be a timedrain. Smile


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Hålocyn Application (Declined) Empty Re: Hålocyn Application (Declined)

Post  Skelter Wed Jan 05, 2011 11:52 am

Not currently geared enough.

Posts : 3
Join date : 2010-12-16

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