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Elventank - Guild Application ( Trial Failed)

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Elventank - Guild Application ( Trial Failed) Empty Elventank - Guild Application ( Trial Failed)

Post  ET Wed Dec 29, 2010 5:10 pm

Character Name: Elventank
Armory Link:
Real Life Age: 19
Timezone: GMT +10 (QLD, Australia)
Class: Paladin
Spec: Holy/Prot
Professions: Mining(lvling atm)/Enchanting
Applying for? (member/raider) - Both

I am applying for a position as a raider in Cheshire Cat for two reasons. One, I enjoy raiding and have raided across vanilla, BC and WotLK. Secondly, the guild I am in has no intention of raiding anytime soon and as I have only returned to WoW with Cata I am in need of a guild that suits me. I learned of the guild through a general chat recruitment message directing me to this site. I agree to the conditions.

Availability: All weeknights unless due to adverse circumstances.

What steps do you take to improve your character? Heroic farming, rep farming, etc. I have been pugging heroic groups for quite a while but roughly 1 in 8 are clearing so it makes it hard to gear properly.

What is your raiding experience (if any)? ZG, BWL, UBRS, LBRS, Kara, Mag, The Eye, SSC, Naxx, ICC.

What are your past guilds and why did you leave? I have only returned to WoW in the last 2 months. The last guild I left was due to my leave from WoW, before that I can't really remember many of the other guilds I was with.

Do you feel you can bring anything special or unique to Cheshire Cat? Dual spec heals/tank Razz I understand mechanics well and am always working to improve my play.

We require the use of certain mods and addons, and the ability to use Ventrilo for raiding. You do not have to have a mic (although its preferred), just the ability to take direction. I have vent, DBM, gatherer, skullme, atlas loot. I am willing to get any mods required. I also have a mic.

How do you prepare for raids (10 or 25)? Gathering pots, enchanting items for guild members, making sure I have all the required items for the raid.

What other games have/do you play? Mainly PS3 FPS games. This is my only real RPG.

How do you like your gnomes? dead....

What is your opinion on Garosh and Thrall situation? Garrosh will destroy the horde from the inside out.

Favorite all time Boss and why? Beast from MC..... whats not cool about eating someone?

Thank you for your time in reading this no matter your decision.
Cheers, Elventank.


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Elventank - Guild Application ( Trial Failed) Empty Armoury

Post  ET Wed Dec 29, 2010 5:11 pm

Armoury link - Sorry


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